10 Science-Backed Benefits of Reformer Pilates

Pilates reformer workouts have gained immense popularity, and for good reason. These science-backed benefits not only cater to your physical well-being but also enhance your mental and emotional health. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just starting out, you’ll love unveiling these science-backed benefits of incorporating Pilates reformer workouts into your routine. Let's delve into the transformative advantages that reformer Pilates brings to both your physical and mental well-being.

Improved Core Strength

First of all – what exactly is ‘core strength’? Founder of Pilates, Joseph Pilates, considered your core (which includes your abdominals, back and pelvic floor muscles) to be the body’s ‘Powerhouse’. So just like if an electrical powerhouse wasn’t working optimally, if your core is weak or underperforming, this can have ongoing effects throughout your entire body. Don’t be fooled though into thinking that 100’s of sit ups will give you a strong core. Whilst these might help towards achieving a flatter stomach or more defined ab muscles, they won’t strengthen your core overall. Reformer Pilates movements focus on deeper muscles within your core, often requiring you to move other parts of your body, such as your arms or legs, rather than crunching your abs, in order to engage and strengthen these core muscles. This enhanced core strength not only contributes to better balance and stability but also supports your spine, reducing the risk of back pain.

Enhanced Flexibility

The controlled movements and stretches involved in reformer Pilates, help to improve your flexibility by combining strengthening and stretching movements together, utilising different levels of resistance, thanks to the pulleys, springs and gravity-driven equipment. This creates more flexibility in the muscles from different angles. The great new is, it doesn’t take much to see these improvements – a 2010 study found that just two 60-minute Pilates workouts per week, for 12 weeks, improved hamstring flexibility, along with muscular endurance.

Balance and Stability

Reformer Pilates challenges your body in different planes of motion. This is particularly beneficial as you age, helping prevent falls and injuries by training your body to maintain stability in various positions. Balance and stability is increasingly important as we age, to help prevent injuries from falls, and Pilates has been shown to increase both static and dynamic balance, making it a great form of exercise for young and old.

Injury Prevention

Reformer Pilates focuses on functional movement patterns, reducing the risk of injuries in everyday activities. Strengthening the muscles around joints, improving flexibility and increasing joint mobility all contribute to a body that's resilient and less prone to strains and sprains. That’s why reformer Pilates is widely used in rehabilitation from injury, and injury prevention, as it is thought to reduce risk factors such as stability issues, poor gait, fear of falling and dysfunction in mobility that contribute to the likelihood of injury.

More Energy & Less Stress

You may not realise, but while you’re busy on the Pilates reformer, your body is getting busy pumping hormones around your body, that provide even more benefits to you than the movements alone.

The combination of rhythmic movements, controlled breathing, and mindful focus in reformer Pilates promotes relaxation and reduces cortisol levels. This reduction in cortisol helps to switch off our body’s ‘flight-or-fight’ response and reduce stress levels. These movements also stimulate blood flow, circulating fresh oxygen around the body and releasing endorphins – both of which gives you a natural energy boost, so you’ll leave the Pilates studio feeling better both mentally and physically.

Reduced Period Pain

An 8-week study, where participants participated in Pilates twice per week, found that Pilates can help to reduce cortisol levels and also alleviate pain associated with dysmenorrhea

More Calories Burned than Mat Pilates

Don’t get us wrong – we love our Mat Pilates. But if you’re looking for bang-for-your-buck in terms of calories consumed per minute of exercise, a 2021 study showed that reformer Pilates produced a higher amount of energy expenditure, VO2 and higher heart rate compared to mat Pilates. We know – it’s not all about the calories. So if you love your mat Pilates, don’t worry, you’ll still benefit from improved muscular fitness and improved long-term body composition (along with a large number of other physical benefits).

Better Posture

Reformer pilates emphasises postural alignment, teaching you how to better understand your body and the space it uses. By engaging smaller muscles that support your spine, neck, shoulders and pelvis, Pilates movements help address incorrect posture that comes from muscle fatigue and incorrect use. This leads to improved posture over time. As you engage your various muscle groups, your body naturally learns to maintain proper alignment, reducing strain on your spine and promoting a confident, upright posture.

Enhanced Mind-Body Connection

Reformer Pilates is not just a workout; it's a holistic experience. The focus on controlled movements and breath brings awareness to every aspect of your body. Compared with other forms of exercise, Pilates has been shown to improve mindfulness as it connects the mind and body through breath, bringing sensory attention and somatic awareness to the physical body and how it moves.

Improves Other Exercise Activities

Whether you’re wanting to run a 5k, just to prove to yourself you can, or you’re a professional athlete training for their next event, reformer Pilates can help you achieve greater results in your chosen sports. A 2018 study showed improved running performance and a reduced metabolic cost, when it came to running 5km’s, for participants who did two x 1-hour Pilates sessions per week, for 12 weeks.

From improved core strength to enhanced circulation, the benefits of reformer Pilates extend far beyond physical fitness. Embrace the transformative power of Pilates for a healthier, happier you. Join us in the Tugun Beach studio, for intimate reformer Pilates sessions, available 7 days a week. Never tried reformer Pilates before? Grab our 3-class pass, and join us in the studio for just $20 a class. We’ll see you there!


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