Find Your Perfect Barre Class on the Gold Coast

Looking for a fun and effective way to tone your body? Barre classes may be just what you need. By combining elements of ballet, Pilates, and strength training, barre can help you build lean muscle and improve your overall fitness. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced barre fitness enthusiast, this guide will help you discover why a barre workout could be for you, and how to find the perfect class for you! Ps. if you’re here on the Gold Coast, be sure to stick around for our special offer at the end of this post, to join us in our Cornerstone studio for just $10 a class!

First Things First – What is Barre?

Think back to the last time you had a delicious smoothie, that left you wanting more. It had the most perfect combination of everything you want and need, not to mention it was oh-so-smooth. Consider barre to be just like this smoothie – it’s your ultimate dream-come-true workout that blends together different elements of other workout styles, to deliver your body exactly what it needs. Taking inspiration from ballet, Pilates and strength training, you’ll have well and truly earned that post-workout smoothie by adding a barre class or two to your regular workout schedule.

A barre class typically involves using a ballet barre as a prop for balance and stability while performing a series of small, but effective movements that target muscles you maybe didn’t even know existed. If you’re looking to build lean muscle, improve your posture, get the heart-rate up and increase your flexibility and endurance, then barre could be the right move for you.

Benefits of Barre

Just like that perfectly balanced smoothie delivers a perfect combination of nutrient-rich ingredients, the best barre classes deliver on all your body's fitness needs

If you’ll indulge us in this analogy for just a moment, imagine your body as a blender and each component of the barre workout as a different ingredient you add to it. 

Here's how it all comes together:

Cardiovascular Health (the energising fruit)

Get your fit-watch ready, because your barre workout is sure to deliver a delectable dose of dynamic movements that raise your heart rate, whilst we raise the roof with some fun and funky beats 🎶. These are like the juicy fruits you throw into your blender for a burst of energy.

Strength Training (the protein powder)

Just as protein adds strength and builds muscle, barre workouts incorporate isometric exercises, which involve holding positions and contracting specific muscles. These exercises help you develop strength, tone your body, and improve endurance.

Flexibility and Balance (the fibre)

Stretching exercises in a barre workout improve flexibility and range of motion, much like fibre helps keep your digestive system flexible and regular. Additionally, barre exercises challenge your balance, helping you stabilise and improve coordination.

Core Strengthening (the superfoods)

Much like a powerful superfood, a strong core supports your entire body and improves posture. The core-focused exercises in barre classes strengthen your abdominal, back, and pelvic muscles, enhancing stability and reducing the risk of injury.

Mind-Body Connection (The Immune-Boosting Ingredient):

Barre workouts encourage mindfulness and emphasise the mind-body connection. Just as certain ingredients boost your immune system, the mental focus required during a barre session helps you tune in to your body's movements, improving coordination, concentration, and overall body awareness. Plus, we love to finish off our session with a gentle stretch to bring awareness back to our physical body.

When you turn on the blender and start your barre workout, all these ingredients mix together harmoniously, creating a holistic and effective exercise routine. Like a nutritious smoothie, a barre workout nourishes your body from the inside out, providing a well-rounded and all-in-one fitness experience.

Types of Barre Classes Available on the Gold Coast

The great thing about a barre class, is that no two barre classes are the same. With a variety of teachers to choose from in our Tugun-based, Cornerstone studio, you’ll find a teacher and style that you love. Some classes may have you breaking out in a sweat thanks to an extra dose of cardio, while others can have your triceps trembling after a 30-second round of arm pulses. Here at The Body Method, we offer two styles of barre classes – our barre express (45 mins), for those who need to fit a quick workout in their busy schedule, and our barre classes (1 hour) which allow for a little extra time to really feel that booty-burn. Each teacher will bring their own style and flavour, mixing things up from class-to-class.

How to Choose the Right Barre Class for You

When choosing a barre class, it’s important to consider your fitness level, goals, and preferences. Don’t be afraid to try out different classes until you find the perfect fit for you. The great thing about barre, you don’t have to be a pro to get started. Simply turn up, let your teacher know it’s your first class and we’ll do the rest. Most moves can be catered to different skill levels and your barre instructor will give you options to try out for when you’re ready to take things up a notch. You’ll be admiring the changes to your body, in every reflection you walk by in no-time.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Barre Class

Barre classes are a great way to tone and sculpt your body, but it’s important to make the most out of your workout. First, we suggest arriving 5-minutes early, to say hi to your instructor, grab any barre props you’ll need (don’t worry, we provide it all!), and get setted.

Each barre class will start with a warm up to get you feeling great, but you might like to use this time before class to do some gentle stretching and get the body ready for a workout – especially if you’ve been sitting at a desk all day! 

During class, focus on your form and alignment to ensure you’re getting the most out of each exercise. Don’t be afraid to ask the instructor for modifications or adjustments if needed. Bring along a bottle, so you can stay hydrated throughout class. And most importantly, remember to have fun! 

Never visited our Gold Coast barre studio before? We can’t wait to meet you! Grab yourself a new client pass – this will give you access to 5 classes for just $50, at our Cornerstone, Tugun studio where all the barre action takes place. Now, it’s time to get moving (or should we say ‘pulsing’). Whether you’re looking to tone the tum, bump up the booty or just want to get your cardio hit, barre is a great way to do it all, in just one workout. 


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