Stretch, Roll & Release: The Key to Improved Flexibility and Injury Prevention

The Benefits of Stretching 

Stretching is often an overlooked aspect of a regular workout routine, or only done for 5 minutes at the end of a tough Pilates class. However, incorporating a variety of different styles of stretching into your weekly workout routine can yield numerous benefits. Stretching helps to improve flexibility by ensuring muscles don’t end up becoming too tight and short from all those lunges, clamshells, and squats. As a result of this improved flexibility, you’re also going to reduce the risk of injury, and increase your range of motion. Plus, if you’ve ever experienced that post-workout stiffness and soreness, you’ll want to make-friends with stretching. Stretching stops lactic acid forming in your muscles, enabling them to move straight into recovery and repair, thanks to fresh blood circulating to your muscles.

Stretching is not only great for your muscles, it’s also great for your mind. When you stretch, the feel-good hormone serotonin is released, which helps combat anxiety and stress. Exercise is not the only way to get that natural-high! 

Adding a dedicated stretching class can be the perfect compliment to your schedule of Pilates, barre & yoga classes. Not only will your muscles feel better, but you’ll leave practically floating knowing you did something extra special for your body. Here at The Body Method, we run our dedicated ‘Stretch, Roll & Release’ classes to allow you the time and space to really nourish your body. Let’s explore what you can expect from a Stretch, Roll & Release class.

Types of Stretching to Expect

While each class will be different, there are a few elements we love to bring to our classes. Below we’re sharing a bit about each, so that you can know exactly what to expect from your first stretching class.

Myofascial Release:
If you have ever experienced tightness or pain in your muscles that just won't go away, myofascial release might be the solution you've been looking for. Myo- what? Don't worry, it sounds more complicated than it actually is.

Myofascial release is a form of therapy that involves applying gentle pressure to specific points in your muscles to release tension and promote mobility. Whilst we all love a great remedial massage, myofascial release can provide the same relief to tense and tired muscles, without needing to book in a spa-day.

It's based on the idea that our muscles and fascia (connective tissue that surrounds our muscles) are all interconnected, and that tension in one area can cause pain and restricted movement in another. By targeting these specific points with myofascial release, you can help to release built-up tension, reduce pain, and improve overall mobility.

Your instructor will guide you on hand placement, and any body movements required. You may also utilise a trigger-point ball, which can be guided across certain muscles and tendons to provide release.

Yoga & Pilates Inspired Stretching
Yoga and Pilates are both forms of exercise that help to elongate muscles, and therefore many moves that you might find in your regular class will likely be included in your stretching class. These movements not only infuse a little zen into your routine, but they also help to improve flexibility, balance, and posture. 

Utilising yoga and Pilates movements as part of a stretching routine, can be a great way to start your day, warming up your body and helping you feel rejuvenated, or as a way to wind-down before bed after a long day. 

In a Stretch, Roll & Release you’ll likely find some juicy downward dogs to stretch out the hamstrings and calf muscles, some nourishing childs pose for those glutes and lower back, and a gentle pigeon pose or two for release in your hips. If you’re joining us at our Tugun Beach location, you can expect to enjoy a deep stretch utilising the pulleys and straps of the Pilates reformer.

Foam Rolling
Foam rolling is a technique that's become increasingly popular amongst fitness enthusiasts in recent years. It's essentially a type of self-massage where you use a foam roller to knead your muscles and connective tissue, working out any knots and tension that's built up over time. It can be particularly useful for releasing tension in the legs, including the ITB, quads, calves and hamstrings. It’s also great to use for the upper back shoulders, and lats. Not only does foam rolling feel great, it can be effective in decreasing muscle soreness and improving flexibility.

Tips for Incorporating Stretching into Your Weekly Exercise Routine

Making stretching more than just something you do to warm-up and cool-down, but a dedicated part of your weekly workout schedule can help you improve performance, recover quicker and even reduce stress. There really aren’t any reasons we can think of to not be stretching on a regular basis. So if you’re ready to make stretching a part of your exercise regimen here’s our top-tips:

  • Keep up your pre and post-workout stretches, these are great for in-between longer stretch sessions.

  • Try to stretch for at least 5-mins upon waking in the morning, to rejuvenate the body & 5-mins before you go to bed, to help you unwind from the day.

  • Use short breaks throughout the day to get in some bonus stretches. Waiting for the kettle to boil? Get in a couple minutes of tricep and neck stretches. 

  • Book in a weekly Stretch, Roll & Release class and enjoy the benefits of an hour-long stretch sesh. 

Stretching has numerous benefits for overall fitness. It helps improve flexibility and range of motion, aids in decreased post-workout fatigue, and can even help reduce the risk of injury. Myofascial release, foam rolling and dynamic stretching can help to release tension from tendons and other connective tissue, allowing your muscles to work more efficiently and recover faster.

Achieving optimal health means incorporating regular stretching into your weekly workout routine, alongside your Pilates, barre and yoga of course! Join us this week in either our Tugun Beach reformer Pilates studio, or Cornerstone Pilates, yoga and barre studio for a Stretch, Roll & Release class. Get ready to transform your wellbeing!


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