Give Yourself a Reset: Spring Health Ideas

As the days get longer and warmer, it's time to think about rebooting your health for spring. Whether you're looking to make small changes or create a holistic plan that will help you prioritise wellness all year long, the season of renewal is an ideal moment to give yourself some extra attention. Here are some fresh ideas related to food, fitness and lifestyle tips that can propel you toward greater vibrancy this season!

Boost Your Immune Health

As we exit from our winter hibernation, and the weather begins to warm up, it can be easy to think that the days of winter flus, colds and sickness are behind us. But just because you can now pull out your favourite summer clothes from the back of your closet, be careful to not get caught off guard when it comes to your immune health. Eating a healthy, balanced diet, getting outside in the sunshine and moving your body are all great ways to boost your immune health. You can also book in to see our resident Naturopath, who can help identify ways to boost your immune system with healthy herbs for spring health.

Reset Your Nervous System

As the seasons change and we transition into the bright, blooming days of Spring, it's important to remember the vitality of our nervous system. With holiday festivities just around the corner, you can begin practising stress-relieving techniques that will be like second-nature when the ‘silly-season’ rolls around. It can be all too easy to get caught up in the excitement and neglect the needs of our bodies. How you treat and reset your nervous systems now can better prepare your body for any upcoming end-of-year periods of heightened stress.

Maintaining a healthy nervous system can be as simple as prioritising rest and relaxation, practising mindfulness, and staying nourished. If you feel like you need a little help to calm your nervous system, why not check with your body in a Gentle Massage & Esoteric Healing session at our Tugun Wellness Clinic Room. A little extra care throughout the spring months can ensure your nervous system is in top shape for the rest of the year. 

Need a quick and easy reset you can do anytime, anywhere (yes, even in the bathroom of your office after a stressful work meeting!). Try this for yourself:

The ‘4-7-8’ breathing technique to relieve stress:

  1. Sit up straight with your spine erect. Drop your shoulders and get comfortable.

  2. Place one hand on your heart, another on your belly.

  3. Inhale through your nose for the count of 4, breathing deeply so your belly and ribs expand outwards.

  4. Hold the breath in for a count of 7.

  5. Exhale through pursed lips (like you’re blowing up a balloon) for the count of 8.

  6. Repeat for 10 or more breaths.

If the counting feels too much, or the breath feels too slow, you can modify this technique so that your exhale is simply longer than your inhale.

Align your food with the seasons

One of the best parts about this time of year is the abundance of delicious, fresh produce that becomes available. We are lucky to have local produce right on our doorstep at our local village grocer, Tugun Fruit & Flowers, and also the local farmers markets at Palm Beach each Saturday morning, perfect for stopping by post-Pilates, barre or yoga class. Eating seasonal produce will not only help you feel like a great citizen, by supporting local growers, it’s also when your fruits and veggies are at the peak of their flavour and nutritional value. According to Ayurvedic tradition the dosha of ‘Kapha’ is predominant in spring, and therefore we should be eating more Kapha-balancing foods. The energy of Kapha is heavy, cool, and oily. Therefore in order to maintain balance, we should transition from the denser, warmer meals of winter to leaner, lighter meals which include plenty of green veggies. You might like to try out a Kapha balancing meal such as Kitchari.  If you’re looking for some guidance on the best foods that will suit your nutritional needs, book in for a consultation with our wonderful Nutritionist, Katie.

From crisp peas and sweet strawberries, to tangy rhubarb and vibrant asparagus, there is no shortage of delicious and nutritious options to enjoy. Eating seasonal produce also means that you are consuming food that is at its freshest, most nutrient-rich state, which could help to boost your overall health and wellbeing. So, this spring, why not explore your local farmers market or grocery store and see what delicious spring produce you can find? Your taste buds – and your body – will thank you.

Adapt Your Movements

As the seasons change, so should our movement habits. It's an opportunity to try something new and refresh our fitness routines. While you may have opted for slower movements throughout the winter months, such as yin yoga, or long walks by the beach, shifting to practices such as vinyasa yoga, Pilates, and barre can help restart your metabolism, stimulate the lymphatic system and get energy moving through your body. These forms of exercise offer a low-impact way to improve strength, flexibility, and balance while reducing stress and promoting mindfulness. By adjusting our movement habits, we can help our bodies adapt to different weather conditions and prevent injuries caused by sudden changes in temperature.

Look after your liver

In Chinese medicine, the liver is often associated with the spring season. This is because just like how spring brings new growth and renewal, the liver is responsible for detoxifying the body and renewing our blood. The liver is also responsible for storing and releasing energy, much like how spring is a time of increased activity and movement after the slow and restful winter months. In Chinese philosophy, the liver is viewed as the "general" of the body, commanding and regulating the movement of our Qi (energy). So, just like how spring brings new life and vitality, the liver plays a crucial role in keeping our bodies healthy and energised.

A sluggish liver on the other hand, can result in many problems, including high cholesterol and fat levels causing weight gain, digestive problems such as bloating, constipation, and loss of appetite, skin irritations or allergies, blood sugar level fluctuations and hormonal imbalances.

According to Naturopath Paige, of Habitual Wellness, here are 5 simple things you can do to support your liver – any time of the year, but especially in spring!

  1. Eat fresh, and preferably organic fruit and vegetables where possible, to help lighten the toxins your liver needs to deal with on a daily basis.

  2. Include fibre in your daily diet. Fibre helps to keep your bowels regular, which is an essential part of removing toxins from the body.

  3. Avoid fried foods, and anything full of unhealthy fats. Don’t worry, you can still have your avocado toast!

  4. Give yourself a break from alcohol. Your liver (and skin) will love you for it.

  5. Include more bitter foods, as this will help your liver in its detoxification processes. Try adding foods such as sprouts, kale, cabbage, cacao, turmeric, ginger and citrus to your meals.

Getting the most out of spring's health potential starts with being proactive about what you can do to take care of yourself. Taking care often begins with getting back to the basics - eating foods that are in season , adapting your current movement regime and supporting your nervous system. Making sure to look after your liver and immune health are also essential for staying healthy in spring. All these ideas come together when you take a step back and realise it's time for a reset. It's time to devote energy towards restoring physical, mental, and emotional balance through self-care practices. Come into the studio to re-invigorate your workout routine for spring – it's worth the effort! Get a jumpstart on your health this season by taking just an hour out of each day and nurture yourself; giving yourself the space and opportunity for wellness and growth.


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