Body Alignment: Finding balance within your body

Do you ever feel like every muscle and joint in your body is out of whack? That no matter how hard you try, there's always some underlying ache or annoyance that lingers throughout the day? Believe it or not, this could be a sign of improper alignment in the body. Finding balance within your body isn't as difficult as it may sound - with proper assessment and an action plan targeting specific areas, you can enjoy improved mobility while reducing pain! In this blog post, we're going to look into the basics of body alignment and highlight some simple steps you can take today, towards achieving holistic fitness!

What is proper body alignment?

Body alignment refers to the positioning of the musculoskeletal system, including the spine, joints, and muscles, in a balanced and optimal manner. When properly aligned, each component of our bodies work harmoniously to support each other – improving function, stability, and movement. On the other hand, poor body alignment can lead to more niggles and pains, long-term discomfort, and reduced ability to do the things we love.

Think of it like your car tyres… Have you ever been cruising down the highway, only to notice a shudder in your steering wheel? Or perhaps you can feel the pull of the car more towards one side than the other. This could be because your car tyres are out of alignment. Just as misaligned wheels can create uneven wear and tear on your car,  and affect its performance, an out-of-alignment body can lead to various issues and impact your overall well-being.

Why does body alignment matter?

When your body is misaligned, it can affect the balance and distribution of weight throughout your body, leading to strained muscles, joint stiffness, and even nerve impingement. If left unattended, this misalignment can mean that one side of your body becomes stronger than the other, muscles feel tighter or recurring pain develops.

Here’s how proper body alignment can help the human body:

Posture and Spine Health

Maintaining proper alignment helps support good posture, which is essential for the health of our spine. Proper posture reduces strain on our muscles, ligaments, and joints, promoting their longevity and preventing discomfort and pain.

Muscle Balance and Function

When our body is in proper alignment our muscles work together efficiently and evenly. This balance helps prevent muscle imbalances, which can lead to overuse injuries, chronic pain, and reduced mobility.

Joint Health

Proper alignment reduces unnecessary stress on our joints, allowing them to move smoothly and freely. By distributing forces evenly, alignment helps prevent excessive wear and tear on the joints.

Efficient Movement

When our body is aligned correctly, our movement becomes more efficient. The body can generate and transfer force effectively, improving performance in sports, exercise, and everyday tasks.

Injury Prevention
Proper alignment helps to distribute mechanical stresses evenly throughout the body, reducing the risk of acute injuries and chronic overuse injuries. It provides a solid foundation for physical activities, making movements safer and more stable.

Overall Well-being
When our body is aligned, we experience a sense of balance, comfort, and ease. Proper alignment can contribute to improved energy levels, enhanced body awareness, and a positive mindset, all of which contribute to our overall well-being.

What causes misalignment in the body?

It's important to note that there are many things that can cause misalignment in the body, and often a combination of causes could be contributing factors. If you experience persistent discomfort, pain, or notice postural imbalances, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional such as a chiropractor, physical therapist, or book in for a private 1:1 Pilates session where we can assess your condition and provide appropriate guidance.

Some common causes of misalignment include:

Poor Posture

Prolonged periods of sitting or standing with improper posture can gradually lead to misalignment. If this sounds like you, make sure you’re stretching every day, or trying these hamstring exercises. Slouching, hunching over electronic devices, or carrying heavy bags on one side can strain the muscles and put stress on the spine, causing it to become misaligned. 
Muscular Imbalances & Overuse

Muscle imbalances occur when certain muscles are stronger or tighter than others, pulling the body out of alignment. This can be caused by repetitive movements, overuse of certain muscles, lack of exercise, or inadequate stretching. Myofascial release and foam rolling can be a great way to release tension in the muscles causing your misalignment.

Trauma or Injury

Accidents, falls, sports injuries, or any significant trauma can cause sudden misalignment in the body. Impact or sudden jolts can disrupt the natural alignment of bones, joints, and soft tissues, leading to misalignment. In these cases, it’s extremely important to seek medical advice to address the root cause. Your future self will thank you.

Weak Core Muscles

The core muscles play a vital role in stabilising the spine and maintaining proper alignment. There’s a reason we’re always telling you to engage your core during your Pilates class other than to work on your six-pack. Weakness or lack of strength in your abdominal and pelvic muscles can lead to postural imbalances and misalignment that have knock-on effects throughout your entire body.

Ageing and Degenerative Changes

As we age, the wear and tear on our bodies can contribute to misalignment. Degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease can alter the alignment of the spine or joints over time.

How to check body alignment?

Addressing and correcting your body's misalignment can promote optimal function, prevent discomfort, and support overall health. It’s therefore important to regularly check-in with your body for signs of misalignment. While some things will have been there for some time, others may have started to show due to recent activities, such as going on a long drive or overextending yourself during a workout.

Take a look at the video below, where Sarah walks you through how to self-assess your body’s alignment and shares lots of great tips on encouraging your body to adopt proper alignment on a daily basis.

Prioritising body alignment is crucial for achieving and sustaining optimal health and well-being. Proper alignment improves posture, enhances physical performance, alleviates pain, and boosts mental well-being. When performed under the supervision of an expert, exercises such as Pilates, yoga and barre can all help to strengthen your core muscles, elongate your spine and create better alignment throughout your body.

Be sure to also take proactive measures outside of the studio where you can, by ensuring you’ve got an ergonomic workstation set up, seek physical therapy such as  chiro, osteo, physio, massage or other manual therapies when required, and cultivating mindful body awareness.

If you’ve been experiencing on-going pain, or struggling with mobility in your exercise routine or day-to-day life, we’d encourage you to book in for a private 1:1 reformer Pilates or mat Pilates class. Your friendly instructor can create a specific routine that will help strengthen your muscles and bring your body back into alignment. Book yours today.


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